
Install Appsync at your iPad

This step may be different for each jailbreak using another tools. I use LimeRain for my jailbreak.
If You use LimeRain for jailbreak your iPad and you want to install , follow me with this step.

If you not jailbreak before, open Jailbreak iPad 3.2.2

Step 1 :
Open Cydia on your iPad. (If You see question for upgrade, choose for user)

Step 2 :
After the page of cydia is open, Choose Manage

Step 3 :
You will see three choice. 1. Packages    2. Sources    3. Storage  (Choose Sources)

Step 4 :
Look for button edit, Click and You will see add button. 
Clik add button and write "http://cydia.hackulo.us" at the box.
If You finish, choose add source.

Step 5 :
Sometimes, you will see confirmation box. Click "add anyway".

Step 6 :
Click button search at the bottom page and search "Appsync for OS 3.2"
Install it and follow the step.

Step 7 :
After you are finish all the step, download the app from "http://apptrackr.org" and install it with iTunes.

Finally, Enjoy your iPad......


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