
Jailbreak iPad 3.2.2

At this post, I will show you how to jailbreak your iPad 3.2.2 (iPhone 4.0). After almost 1 month I wait the jailbreak tool for my iPad, yesterday I got the tool.

This tool work for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPad 3.2.2. At my jailbreaking, I use Limera1n with windows PC. For Your information, Limera1n support iOS 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.1 and iPad 3.2.2 (iPhone 4.0).

For Your information, iPad use iPhone OS.

Follow the instruction and You will success in jailbreaking your iPad.

Step One

Open your web browser of choice and navigate to http://www.limera1n.com. Click the Download for Windows link at the bottom of the screen.

Step Two
When prompted save the download to your desktop

Step Three
Double click the limera1n.exe file from the desktop to launch the application
Step Four
Click the large make it ra1n button

Step Five
Your iPad now will placed in recovery mode.

when, limera1n show caption "hold home + power" then press both the power and the home buttons.

When Limera1n tell you to release the power button, then release it.

Your phone will now be in DFU mode
As limera1n performs its exploit you will see the image of a lime raindrop on your iPad. 

Limera1n will let you know when it is complete.

Step Six
After you power back on your iPad, you will see a new icon on the Board entitled limera1n. Press it to continue.

Step Seven
Once Limera1n opens select Cydia then press the Install button at the top right of the screen
Step Eight
Once the Cydia installation has completed you must reboot your iPad.. Reboot your iPad with hold on the power button.
Step Nine
When your iPad has restarted you can run Cydia. Let it do all the necessary updates then follow our Unlock tutorial if possible for your device.
NOTE*: To remove the limera1n icon from your desktop you can install CyDelete from Cydia then use it to delete the application. Eventually this capability should be present in limera1n itself.

After jailbreaking Your iPad, You must install Appsync 3.2 before You install application cracked. I will show the step in this blog too.

Good luck.


Sutaaraito said...

Congratulation... finally, you jailbreak it...

Nit2x said...

yea... thx... if you buy your iPad.. please tell me.. and i will help you...

Anonymous said...

Bro, i already jailbreak my ipad based on ur guide. But i cant sync my ipad tru itunes for photos, music, apps, etc. Can u help me to resolve my problem?

Nit2x said...

@Anonim : i'm not brother.. i'm sister...
Have you installed appsync at Your iPad?
Can you show me the error while you sync the iPad and iTunes?

derik said...

aku coba jailbreak
pas di recovery mode
windows minta driver
pas searching file ga ada
trus ipadku kejebak di recovery mode terusss
ada yang tau gmana caranya?????????

Nit2x said...

@erik : coba pake komputer lain jangan lupa instal itunes nya...
pilih recovery... kalau iPad nya masih baru, recovery aja langsung biar sama seperti waktu baru beli.

Dulu aku sempat kaya gt, dan harus dikembalikan dulu ke posisi semula baru bisa di jailbreak...

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